why hello my creepers :)

Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Stacie and have many different hobbies, from arts and crafts to writing. Thank you all for stopping by and if you have any questions or comments just let me know!


So a few things you should know...

I guess I should start with a few pointers for my page. First off, i am very opinionated. So if you get easily offended then you should probably go ahead and close the page. Second off, I have a somewhat sick sense of humor. A lot of people don’t laugh at the same things I laugh at so if you think there is something wrong with me, well your probably right but it has been working for me for the past 24 years so I’m just going to stick with it. Third off, just because I feel a certain way doesn’t mean I expect you to as well. That’s one of the great things about living in America. We are all entitled to feel how we want to and to voice those feelings. If I don’t agree with you on something, that doesn’t mean I am not going to like you, or going to start throwing rocks at you, that just means that your different from me and I can appreciate that.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

kids these days...

It just makes me mad when i see how unappreciative some of these teenagers and kids are these days. They have a nice rides, get to do what they want, wear nice name brand clothes, get free cell phones from their parents and yet they still think their life is wretched. Stop complaining about how much you hate your parents, because without them you would be eating from a trashcan with dirty clothes on. What the crap man, i mean i remember when i turned into a teen and i dont remember it being like that. In fact when i turned sixteen my parents passed down a car that was older than me and it was the happiest day of my life up to that point. I remember thinking that it was the best car known to man and i didnt care that i had to pump the gas pedal to get it to crank or that it made funny noises when i pulled in the school parking lot. I also remember that i never cursed in front of my parents because my mom would beat the crap out of me and then take away everything but food for punishment. I did what i was told and didnt get to go out and party and get drunk on a friday night. I sat my butt at home or stayed with my best friend after our parents compared notes. I know that times have changed, but it still kills me to see that kids expect their parents to give them abercrombie clothes and a new car and an iphone. I mean i wore walmart clothes, and had a cell phone but just to use to talk to my parents. I didnt even get to go to bed with that phone, it stayed in my parents room or on the charger in the living room. Maybe thats why i wasnt knocked up and pregnant or on drugs during high school, and maybe thats why i actually graduated. Seeing shows like teen mom just blow my mind, i mean it shows kids the grand part of being a parent in high school. Being a pregnant high school kid isnt cool. Its sad and shouldnt be accepted like it is theses days. Now i understand that people make mistakes, but start slapping your kids around some and give them a decent curfew instead of wee hours of the night. Its ok to know where your kids are and what they are doing! Make sure they arent going off with some meth head covered in tattoos when your not looking. You are a parent. You carried that little trouble maker for nine months and had to clean crap off its rear end. I think that gives you a golden ticket to be nosey and have a say so in what they do when they arent with you. Another thing, control your kids in walmart. Seriously yo, nobody wants to hear that rug rat screaming cause they dont get the toy they wanted and had to settle with a generic brand. Beat that little kids behind and tell them no, they have enough toys. All your doing is setting them up to be a spoiled rotten brat when they get older. And nobody likes that guy. And last but not least, if you are one of those kind of people who sit at home and just keep popin kids out and then go and get welfare to take care of them, get fixed. I am tired of feeding your kids while your at home watching Jerry Springer and im working. Not cool man. Ok im done with the kid thing for the moment.


  1. Girl!!! I love this post! I am totally that parent who believes in everything you say. I was raised as an only child & probably got more than I should have, but I'll be damned if my girls will be raised with a silver spoon in their mouth. They will grow up & have to work, scratch, claw for everything they get. Good job Stacie!!! =)

  2. Im glad i am not alone in that boat. My parents did what they could for me but they made me work for things and didnt just hand over what i wanted. I thank them for that now because i appreciate things so much more!


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