why hello my creepers :)

Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Stacie and have many different hobbies, from arts and crafts to writing. Thank you all for stopping by and if you have any questions or comments just let me know!


So a few things you should know...

I guess I should start with a few pointers for my page. First off, i am very opinionated. So if you get easily offended then you should probably go ahead and close the page. Second off, I have a somewhat sick sense of humor. A lot of people don’t laugh at the same things I laugh at so if you think there is something wrong with me, well your probably right but it has been working for me for the past 24 years so I’m just going to stick with it. Third off, just because I feel a certain way doesn’t mean I expect you to as well. That’s one of the great things about living in America. We are all entitled to feel how we want to and to voice those feelings. If I don’t agree with you on something, that doesn’t mean I am not going to like you, or going to start throwing rocks at you, that just means that your different from me and I can appreciate that.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A beautiful woman..

It hurts me to see so many beautiful women who have no faith in their own beauty. One of my best friends is one of the most beautiful people i know and she has no clue. I know that i am not a drop dead diva, but i be dang if i aint a sexy little firecracker. If you believe your a beautiful person then you are one. My hair has days that it wont do anything, and my acne acts up from time to time, but i know that behind my hair and my acne i have a beautiful core. And with a beautiful core you can be anything and beat anybody. Sometimes i look at my friend and i get amazed at how beautiful of a person she truely is. I wish that she could see what I see. All im saying is that women take pride in yourself. You are only as beautiful as you think you are.

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